Hhis code was copied from the top of the email accounts offered by Yola. It shows what can go wrong with bad scripting.

tag of the source document (IE5 sucks!) */ if (typeof doc == 'undefined') { doc = windowObj.parent.document; } return doc; } catch(err) { return window.document; } } var changeflag = false; try { if ( window.parent && window.parent.changeflag ){ window.parent.changeflag = false; } } catch(err) { //there's a problem with the parent } var wtype = 't'; // reset any state on the parent window if ( wtype.toLowerCase() == "a" ){ if ( window.parent.subCanvasSettings ){ window.parent.subCanvasSettings.isModified = false; } } // Cross-browser implementation of element.addEventListener() function addListener(element, type, expression, bubbling) { bubbling = bubbling || false; if (window.addEventListener) { // Standard element.addEventListener(type, expression, bubbling); return true; } else if (window.attachEvent) { // IE element.attachEvent('on' + type, expression); return true; } else return false; } function removeListener(element, type, expression, bubbling){ bubbling = bubbling || false; if (window.removeEventListener) { // Standard element.removeEventListener(type, expression, bubbling); return true; } else if (window.detachEvent) { // IE var r = element.detachEvent('on' + type, expression); return r; } else return false; } //This send a confirmation message to the user and desable the pressed link function confirmExit(e) { //Get the clicket element var tg = (window.event) ? e.srcElement : e.target; if ( ! tg ){ tg = ( e.target ) ? e.target : e.srcElement; } tg = tg.nodeName == 'A'?tg:tg.parentNode; //If it is an A element if (tg.nodeName == 'A') { if (window.changeflag) { var answer = confirm('You have some unsaved settings, do you want to continue?'); if(answer) { if (typeof tg.hrefOld != 'undefined') { tg.href = tg.hrefOld; } // reset changeflag changeflag = false; if ( wtype.toLowerCase() != "a" ){ var doc = getDocumentObject( window.parent ); removeListener(doc, 'click', confirmExit); window.parent.changeflag = false; } } else { if (typeof tg.hrefOld == 'undefined') { tg.hrefOld = tg.href; tg.href = "#"; } } } else { if (typeof tg.hrefOld != 'undefined') { tg.href = tg.hrefOld; } } } } function unsavedChange(evt) { //Set true the changeflag changeflag = true; addListener(document, 'click', confirmExit); /** * If we're in an Ajax-based environment, we simply set the isModified flag * on the subCanvasSettings. */ if ( wtype.toLowerCase() == "a" ){ if ( window.parent.subCanvasSettings ){ window.parent.subCanvasSettings.isModified = true; } /** * When in degraded/basic mode, we set the changeflag on the parent window * and add a listener in order to display the "unsaved settings" alert when * the user attempts to leave the settings page without saving any changes. */ } else { window.parent.changeflag = true; var doc = getDocumentObject( window ); addListener(doc, 'click', confirmExit); } } //Set the title of the document var doc = getDocumentObject( window ); doc.title = "Webmail";

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